Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Today at Work I Made...

Leftover Vietnamese Beef Stew, Bò Kho. I brought left overs to work with fresh greens and garnishes to make it less heat-and-serve and more home cooked. The stew is beef, carrots, tomatoes, and onions and seasoned with lemongrass, 5 spice, star anise, a cinnamon stick, cardamom, bay leaves and fish sauce (and a few other things) slow cooked for a day. I ate it with broad rice noodles. Adding fresh herbs really makes a difference and the residual smell of lime juice and rind oil on my fingers all day is pleasantly tropical.


  1. I gasped outloud. Tell me what "other things" are in the stew. I want to make it without a slowcooker!

  2. Do you have a recipe for the stew you'd be willing to share?
