Friday, March 25, 2011

Today at Work I Made...

Sauteed Vegetables, Salmon, Quinoa, and Peanut Green Curry. I chopped the vegetables so they were proportionate to the green beans which are uncut. I think that (their relationship to one another) is the most important thing about chopping vegetables and probably often overlooked but I guess I really don't know how other people look at vegetables. The sauce is coconut milk, peanut butter, green curry paste, and fish sauce. I like making the sauce on the side so it functions as a dressing and quinoa is the perfect grain for saucing.


  1. I agree with cutting your veggies proportionately. Too bad people don't really do it. Like dicing carrots for salads.

    Awesome blog.

  2. haha thanks. my company makes them. work dishes for my work dishes.
